H.E. Ambassador Branislav Žeželj
Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia in the Republic of Iraq

Date and place of birth: 1952. Belgrade, Serbia
Married, four childrens
Education: 2013. Ph. doctorate of Belgrade Megatrend University, Faculty of Biofarming, in the field of Amelioration of Devaste Soils in Vojvodina Region
2001. Ph. doctorate of Baghdad University, Iraq in field of Land Reclamation of anisotropical Soils of Arid Regions
1986. Master degree of Belgrade University, Agriculture Faculty
1977. Post graduate study of Alexander & Baldwin Agribusiness Center of Hawaii State USA
1976.-1977. Post graduate study of ILRY Institutu, Wageningen, Netherland
1971.-1975. Agriculture Faculty of Belgrade University, Soil and water management Dept.
1959.-1970. Primary and secondary school (Gymnasia)
Membership of Public and scientific bodies:
2015. Vice President of the Serbian asociation for soils Science
2013. Coordinator of Soil and Water management council of Serbia
2012. Vicepresident of joing Soil and Water management team of Serbia and Serbian Republic (B&H)
1991. Secratary general of YU Sociaty for soil Investigation
1978. Member of YU Sociaty for soil Investigation
1977. Member of YU Committee for irrig. and Drainage
Employment history
2020. Honorary Representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia in Africa
2020. Europian university Brčko district, Bosnia and Hercegovina, professor
2020. Europian university Kallos - Tuzla, Bosnia and Hercegovina, professor
2018. Partner and director of the Orgamed Farms Company Ltd. of Sudan, Khartoum
2015. Share holder of the Serbian- Romanian joint venture Company "Irritop Deal Ltd" - Temisoara
2012. Faculty of Biofarming, Megatrend University Belgrade, professor
2013. Consultant of "Alfa-Food" Company for East Europe
2012.-2014. Agriculture Minister Special Adviser for Soil and Water Management
Since 2008. International Consultant for Irrigation and Land Reclamation, FAO UN
Since 1991. Owner and Manager of "Meling" Private Company
1989.-1992. Deputy General manager Agriculture Combine Belgrade
1988.-1992. Manager of PKB Scientific Institute
1985.-1987. Main Designer of PKB Project Mangement dept. of foreign affairs
1982.-1984. Consultant for Field drainage systems of Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform of Republic of Iraq
1981.-1984. Executive Manger of Dujailah Agro-Industrial Complex, contracted and executed by PKB
1975.-1977, Assistent eng. for PKB Drainage System maintenance
English, French, Arabic
Significant publications:
- Scientific publications (60)
- Expertual publications, studies and designs (295)
Additional notes:
- Member and one of the founders of SNS Political Party, established at 2008 yr
- Member of SNS Party Central Committee